ALIVE: Art Between Life and Science – New Display At York Art Gallery To Open 9 December 2016
30 November 2016
Artwork inspired by the ground-breaking medical and scientific research being undertaken at the University of York is to go on display at York Art Gallery next month.
Six artists were commissioned by the University of York’s Centre for Chronic Diseases and Disorders (C2D2) to produce the work, which highlights the powerful connection between art and science.
The internationally-recognised artists include a sculptor, a poet, a digital artist and three visual artists with their collaborations spanning eight University Departments ranging from Biology to Theatre, Film and Television.
The initiative is funded by C2D2 which is itself co-funded by the Wellcome Trust.
Their fascinating artistic response to the University’s research will go on display in the Project Gallery at York Art Gallery for the exhibition ALIVE: Art Between Life and Science from December 9. Entry to the Project Gallery is FREE.
The artists exhibiting are Jacob van der Beugel, Christy Ducker with Kate Sweeney, Anna Dumitriu, Mark Fell with Sandra Pauletto, Peter Myers and Laurence Payot.
Dr Sandra Pauletto, Deputy Director of C2D2, said:
“Art and science are ways to explore, understand and further our knowledge of life and the world around us.
“This exhibition allows both the general public and researchers to think about scientific and medical issues from new perspectives. As you look at science through the microscope of artistic mastery, prepare to be challenged, amazed and to expand your understanding of life.”
Laura Turner, senior curator at York Art Gallery, said:
“Each artist was invited to the University based on their existing portfolio of work. It is incredible to see how each of these talented artists have interpreted the research undertaken at the University of York in very original and unexpected ways.
“The exhibition, which includes installation, video, poetry, painting, sculpture, digital interactivity and even bacteria cells, will bring medical research to the forefront through the medium of this evocative artwork.”
The exhibition, ALIVE: Between Life and Science, will run in York Art Gallery’s Project Gallery from December 9 2016 – April 23 2017. Entry to the Project Gallery is FREE.